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Chinese Paramilitary soldiers train outside their barracks in Beijing.(AFP Photo / Mark Ralston)
East Asian militaries do not appear to be affected by the global economic slowdown, which goes against the worldwide trend of cuts to defense spending. In 2012, Asia overtook European members of NATO in terms of nominal military spending for the first time, according to a report by the UK-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
However, this is more a result of European austerity than Asia spending more. Last year, European members of the US-led NATO military alliance allocated around 11 percent less money on defense than they did in 2006, the think tank said in its annual overview of the global military. Similar cuts have been conducted across the Atlantic, though even with its slimmer budget, the US Military still spends more than the 14 next nations combined, or more than 45 percent of global total.
Asian countries spent almost 5 percent more on defense in 2013 than they did the previous year. Spearheading this buildup is China, which announced a 10.7 percent hike in official military spending last week. Beijing spends more on its military than South Korea, Tokyo and Taiwan combined. If additional elements – widely believed to be omitted from official statistics – are accounted for, China could rival the US in base defense spending within the next decade, the IISS forecasted.
AFP Photo / Liu Jin
Other nations in the region have followed suit, acquiring arms they previously had not deployed, including anti-ship missiles, new submarines, advanced combat aircraft and cruise missiles.
“A number of countries have embarked on acquisition programs that will in time provide them with genuinely new capacities previously the preserve of Western powers and Russia. The nature and quality of submarine proliferation in Asia is a case in point,” the IISS said.
The think tank warned that Asia has a number of unresolved conflicts brewing, from territorial claims in the East China Sea to tensions between India and Pakistan to the unending standoff between North and South Korea.
Chinese soldiers in trucks drive on the streets of Urumqi in China's far west Xinjiang province (AFP Photo / Peter Parks)
Meanwhile the US ‘pivot’ to Asia, which might stimulate regional players to boost military spending, is so far more of a matter of declarations than of military redeployments, the IISS said. It is also unclear whether Washington’s NATO partners in Europe will be able credibly to go along with the plan.
The alliance is struggling to structurally transform into a smaller, but more capable military force, with various members specializing in different fields. But this ‘smart defense’ initiative has had limited progress, with individual nations concerned about the loss of sovereignty
At the same time, there were clear shortcomings in Europe’s military capability, as demonstrated by the bombing campaign in Libya in 2011, and more recently in the Mali intervention, in which the US played a limited role. European members of NATO are underperforming in such areas as airborne refueling, airlifts and reconnaissance, and are forced to rely on US operational support.